JM&D are a wild combination of rock n’ roll influences from the 50’s, 60’s & 70’s. Elements of surf rock, punk & garage rock are littered throughout their songs. Jonny has played guitar, bass or drums in bands such as The Cliftons, Clay Wheels, Fang, The Odd Numbers, Texas Thieves, The Resistoleros & The Forgotten. The band consists of Jonny Manak, Neil Young and Thor DSR. To contact us, send an email to depressives@gmail.com
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
"Cha Cha Cha Chewy" was used in a Vans Shoes/Spitfire Commercial!
Stoked! We love Vans Shoes and we love Spitfire Wheels. But what we love more than anything, is people we believe in using our music in their stuff. The gravy train keeps on rollin'!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Peanut Butter Wolf Interview from 1989
Ever have one of those embarrassing videos from grade school hit youtube? Well, this is one of them, but to add insult to injury, I have makeup on. We were getting ready to head to KSJS for my first radio interview for our band PEANUT BUTTER WOLF. I was in 5th grade...
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Awe, memories...
This photo was taken in 2006? 2007? I don't know. All I do know is that this was on the Sacrifice Skateboards tour when were were filming "Por Vida" the 2nd video the company made. MRZ was there shooting pics and catching a ton of fish! Dave Nelson and I left SJ in the afternoon and had to drive through Yosemite park (falling asleep at the wheel too) to get to this skatepark in Mamoth and rolled into the campsite at like 3am where I obnoxiously woke everyone up with loud music and my car horn (they were pissed, but got over it after a few minutes and all was well). We set up our tents had a few victory drinks after the drive and hit the hay. Boy, that was a fun trip. I almost died trying this so I slapped on a helmet for good measure. You can also see the video of this shot at the very end of this clip.
Friday, August 5, 2011
R.I.P. "Braindead" Dave :(

I love you Dave and I'm really going to miss you and seeing your name come up on my called ID for an hour long chat that would start out as a show offer for 5 minutes then would turn into a long talk about cool music. I'm going to rock the tee you gave me with your face on it tonight! Long live "Braindead" Dave!!!
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